How Can I Help?
Your donation is always welcome regardless of amount. Gifts are being received in various forms including cash, checks, pledges, memorial, stock, property donations, or naming the Foundation in your will as a beneficiary.
Is My Donation Tax Deductible?
Yes! A not-for-profit organization, the Oswego Foundation for Educational Excellence is incorporated in the State of Illinois and files as a qualified 501 ( c ) (3) organization with the Internal Revenue Service.
If you would like to help Oswego Foundation For Educational Excellence provide grants to teachers and educators within the District 308, please use the button above or mail to OFEE, P.O. Box 111, Oswego, IL 60543.
If you are interested in talking with a board member about a bequest, please use the Contact Us page.
Your donation is always welcome regardless of amount. Gifts are being received in various forms including cash, checks, pledges, memorial, stock, property donations, or naming the Foundation in your will as a beneficiary.
Is My Donation Tax Deductible?
Yes! A not-for-profit organization, the Oswego Foundation for Educational Excellence is incorporated in the State of Illinois and files as a qualified 501 ( c ) (3) organization with the Internal Revenue Service.
If you would like to help Oswego Foundation For Educational Excellence provide grants to teachers and educators within the District 308, please use the button above or mail to OFEE, P.O. Box 111, Oswego, IL 60543.
If you are interested in talking with a board member about a bequest, please use the Contact Us page.